My HST quilt is finally all done....wheeew! This one was a doozy. I have never named a quilt before, but after the amount of time I spent with this one I felt it was only appropriate to name it: In a World of Dots.

I know this isn't the best picture, due to all that shade, but I think it shows the quilting lines nicely. I did all the quilting in the white using lines spread out 1/2 inch apart, framing all those beautiful dots.
Now I have to be honest in telling you that this quilt almost didn't come to be. I found that even though I love seeing all the beautiful HST quilts in blog land...assembling one myself was quite tedious. There were times where I just wanted to throw in the towel...but all those dots, I couldn't just let them go to waste. So, thankfully, I pushed through it...and now have one of my favorite quilts ever!!

Here is some sun on the subject. I tried to get a shot of it laying on the ground, but my sweet little girl was not having it today. As soon as it hit the ground she was all over it, which means that like her Momma, she just can't get enough of this one. I will try again tomorrow. Now I must mention that this quilt was completely inspired by my favorite HST quilt (shown here) made by Cathy of Cabbage Quilts. If you haven't stopped by her blog before, you are in a treat...she is truly amazing!